Jikook bangs

Official account for two events of the kookmin fandom: jikook big bang and jikook reverse big bang.jikook big bang: a minimum of 20,000 words story, claimed by a fanartist who will make an artwork for it. eta: 2025.jikook reverse bang: a fanwork, claimed by a writer, who will write a minimum of 5,000 words story for it. eta: 2025.

Jikook Big Bang

What is a Big Bang?
A big bang is a collaborative event between writers and artists. Writers draft a story which then goes to claims. Artists choose a story to claim: that means they create an accompanying artwork for that story. The finished works will be posted together.
How does it work?
Writers create Jikook-focused stories with a minimum of 20,000 words according to Writers Guidelines. During the writing phase, writers will work on a draft of their story and then submit it along with a summary. Drafts must be a minimum of 16,000 words, and should be 80% of your planned word count at the time of submission to ensure your ability to finish by the posting date.
There is no formal sign up period. All a writer needs to do to sign up is to submit a draft by the deadline. All an artist needs to do to sign up is claim a story during claims period. Claiming will be done via google form in a first come, first served basis. Artists can claim up to three works, and are encouraged to make as many art pieces for those works as they would like.During the claiming phase, all the summaries will be assigned a code name and posted anonymously. Artists will then claim a fic for which they want to create an accompanying art work.What then?
After claiming, writers and artists can work together as much or a little as they want to brainstorm ideas and cheer each other on. We'd like to remind you that the Big Bang is not about artwork being "commissioned" to the exact specifications of the writer, but inspired by the fic that is claimed.
During the posting phase, teams will post their completed fanworks together on the same day. At the end of the challenge, we will prepare a Masterlist of all created works.
Important: If your fic does not get claimed due to a disparity in numbers, you can withdraw your fic from the fest and publish it independently.

Jikook Reverse Bang

— Ao3 collection here.What is a Reverse Bang?
A reverse bang is a collaborative event between artists and writers. Artists submit entries which are then claimed by writers, who create a fanwork inspired by their claim.
How does it work?
During the art submission period, artists will submit their artwork drafts following the Artists' Guidelines. We will accept any Jikook art submission that has recognizable characters. The art doesn't have to be 100% complete to be sent in!
There is no formal sign-up for artists or writers. Artists only need to submit their art to sign up; Writers only need to claim artwork during the claims period to sign up. Claiming will be done via google form in a first come, first served basis. During the "first choice" claiming period, writers can claim only one work. In the general claiming period, if some artwork is not claimed, then double claims for writers will be allowed.During the claiming phase, all art entries will be assigned a code name and posted anonymously. Writers will then claim the artwork(s) for which they want to create an accompanying story for. Stories need to be at least 5,000 words.You are required not to disclose the person you're collaborating with.What then?
After claiming, writers and artists can work together as much or as little as they want to brainstorm ideas and cheer each other on. We'd like to remind you that the Reverse Bang is not about a fic being "commissioned" to the exact specifications of the artist, but about writers being inspired by the art that is claimed.
During the posting phase, teams will post their completed fanworks on the same day. At the end of the challenge, we will prepare a Masterlist of all created works.
Important: If your art does not get claimed due to a disparity in numbers, you can withdraw your artwork from the fest and publish it independently.


What does "collaboration" mean?Every collaboration will be different. Big and Reverse Bang are events which aim to create Jikook fanfics with accompanying artworks, and vice versa. The point is to have a good time working together to various degrees.The level of communication and collaboration between team members is to be negotiated amongst themselves, but at minimum all participants must communicate clearly with their partners during the important stages of the challenge, such as after claims, before posting date claims, and before posting. Participants must let partners know if there will be times when they are uncontactable.When it comes to posting, your entire team will do so on the same day, following the posting instructions sent to you. It is a requirement that all embedded work is credited, and that all team members are recognised equally.Is an Ao3 account required?For writers, yes. Artists can choose to post their art on Ao3, on twitter or on bluesky. It is recommended to embedd art into the Ao3 fanfic as well.Can I submit my old fanart/fanfic for Reverse/Big bang?No. All works need to be created specifically for Big/Reverse bang.
You cannot submit old art or fanfic to either event, in order to ensure the anonimity of participants. However, you can resume old drafts from your computer which have never been posted online.
Can I submit/claim more than one work for Big/Reverse Bang?Yes. For Big Bang, the number of submission and claiming are a work in progress.
For Reverse Bang, you can submit up to 5 arts. You can claim once during the "first choice" claiming period, then more than once in the general claiming period.
However, keep in mind that there might be less claimers than prompters for the event, and therefore your work(s) might not get claimed.
In order to ensure that every participant gets at least one of their works claimed, we will ask you to give us a priority order for your works.
Please remember to consider your irl and online responsibilities before signing up or claiming multiple times. If you are not confident to finish everything you sign up for or claim, we strongly advise not to sign up or claim more than once.

Big bang writers guidelines


Big bang artists guidelines


Reverse bang writers guidelines

— Participants must be 18+— AI, plagiarism, CP, snuff are NOT ALLOWED.— All fics must be original and never published before.— All works must be COMPLETE when posted.— Minimum wordcount is 5,000 words.— Writers are encouraged to follow the general theme/to match the vibe of the DWs of the art you claim.
Please remember that is a collaborative fest, not a commission: you are not required to follow the art's DWs down to the specific tag. For example, if the art has “fluff and nsfw” in their DWs, you shouldn’t write just a gen angsty one shot.
— Writers are REQUIRED to follow the DNWs of the art you claim. Please be respectful. If you fail to do so, you will not be allowed to participate in the fest.— Please be respectful of your partner and communicate the intentions of your story throughout the fest. If you feel like including themes that could be considered triggering by the general public, it is common courtesy to be upfront with your artist and let them know in advance. For any issue, please do not hesitate to contact us mods!— Writers can claim only ONE work during the “first choice” claiming period. The aim of this period is to give everyone a fair chance to participate.— Writers can claim more works once the general claiming period opens.
Please be mindful of your IRL and online responsibilities, before claiming more than once.
— You will be asked to post together with your artist and embed their art in your Ao3 story. Your story will remain anonymous for around 7 days before author reveals.You are required not to disclose the person you're collaborating with.

Reverse bang artists guidelines

— Participants must be 18+— AI, plagiarism, CP, snuff are NOT ALLOWED.— All art must be original and never publicly published before. Art previously published ONLY on patreon is allowed.— Note: before claiming, all art will be posted on twitter and bluesky as a featured post, to give your art visibility. If you would like for your art NOT to be posted on one of those platforms (twitter or bluesky), please say so in the sign up form.
In this period, ALL ART WILL BE ANONYMOUS: we will watermark the art with our watermark, previously confirmed with the artist. You can protect your art against AI with any means you think might be best for you (glaze, lower dpi, lower quality, etc.)
ELIGIBLE ART for submission is:
• traditional art
• digital art
• animated gifs
• animated videos
• video (edits)
• comics
• sketches that have somewhat recognisable characters.
— Moodboards and manips are not allowed.— For other types of art, please contact us first (via DM or email).— The art has to be at least 50% done to be eligible for submission.— All art must be COMPLETE before final posting.— All art is encouraged to have DWs when submitted. For example, if you want a fluffy story for your art, or if you want NSFW written for your art, please specify.
Writers are only encouraged to follow the general theme/to match the vibe of your DWs. For example, if you request angst, they shouldn't write just a fluffy one shot.
— Please do keep in mind that this fest isn't a commission fest: you are supposed to work together with your writer. You should try to work through eventual differencies by communicating with one another. However, mods is here to smooth any issue that might arise. Please do reach out to us instead of ghosting the fest/your partner.All art MUST contain DNWs when submitted. Please keep in mind that writers are allowed to write anything that is not explicitly put as DNW (with the exception of CP and snuff that are not allowed in the fest). Be upfront with your writer and clearly state which are your hard and soft DNWs limits (yes, much like in a good Bdsm relationship, lol).—> For reference, some of the most common DNWs include: MCD, Rape/Noncon, Underage, Bestiality, Incest, Graphic violence, Torture, Dead dove, Necrophilia, Cannibalism, Vore, Abuse etc. Please state any DNWs that might apply to you when signing up.— Artists are allowed to submit up to 5 works, and will be asked to give us a priority list. The priority list will be needed to give everyone a fair chance in case of a lot of sign ups. It will be used at mod’s discretion, if needed.— If your art is NOT claimed, you can withdraw your art from the fest at any point and publish it independently. We encourage you to keep your art available for claiming until the general claiming period ends, but you can withdraw it earlier than that if you'd like. Just keep in mind that in this case, once you post it on your own, your art will be removed from our fest and therefore will not be eligible to be claimed anymore.— During posting, art will be posted with the artist's own watermark. Only the fanworks on Ao3 will remain anonymous before being published (after 7 days).— You will be asked to post together with your writer and embed your art in their Ao3 story. If you have an Ao3 account, you can be added as second author of the story.You are required not to disclose the person you're collaborating with.

Big Bang Schedule

Coming Soon!

Reverse Bang Schedule

January 29 – February 23: ART SUBMISSION OPEN (50% of completed art)February 24 – March 10: CLAIMING: FIRST CHOICES (one claim per writer)March 11 – June 23: GENERAL CLAIMING PERIOD (multiple claims per writer)April 7: CHECK IN 1June 23: CLAIMING CLOSEDJune 25: CHECK IN 2July 21: FINAL WORKS DUE (complete works)July 26: POSTING STARTSTBD: AUTHOR REVEALS